Hello my guests) I don’t have a plastic breast, I don’t have an inflated ass, my skin does not look like a stretch ceiling, I have acne, there are scars, and even striae, because I'm still a mother. I'm just a girl, the same as your neighbor, the wife of your friend, your colleague. In general, I am real and ordinary, quiet devil
Hello my guests) I don’t have a plastic breast, I don’t have an inflated ass, my skin does not look like a stretch ceiling, I have acne, there are scars, and even striae, because I'm still a mother. I'm just a girl, the same as your neighbor, the wife of your friend, your colleague. In general, I am real and ordinary, quiet devil
Hello my guests) I don’t have a plastic breast, I don’t have an inflated ass, my skin does not look like a stretch ceiling, I have acne, there are scars, and even striae, because I'm still a mother. I'm just a girl, the same as your neighbor, the wife of your friend, your colleague. In general, I am real and ordinary, quiet devil
MTWreal 個人情報
- 私は:女性, バイセクシュアル
- 送信者:Minsk
- 探している:男性, ストレート
- 興味
とフェチ: - 言語:ロシア語, 英語
- 教育:大学院
- 職業:менеджер
- 収入:平均
- 恋愛関係:取られました
- 子ども:はい、私たちは一緒に住んでいます
- 宗教:無神論者
- 喫煙:したことがない
- 飲酒:時々
- 星座:天秤座
- 民族性:白人
- 体型:平均
- 髪の長さ:長い
- 髪染め:黒人
- 目の色:緑色
- 背:5フィート 64インチ (163 cm)