Girls who hunts for BBCs or big penis fuck fantasies, will never settle down having their own Family, Cause they are habitual of being treated like a slut. Sluts realize this very late in their life, when they have nothing in their hands. I am from India and having sex before marriage is still a taboo, specially for girls on social level. These kind of girls are being targeted by many boys, Who will make fake promise of marriage, show them bright future, after that These type of loose character girls are fucked and dumped after some time. But now time changed, environment changed very much, Girls and Boys going to High Schools aging 15 or 16 are also having sex here or there, bunking their tuition classes is the most safest way without letting their family knowing about what's going on with their Teens. Many of these girls got pregnant because of unsafe sex, took abortive pills and bear the side effects of that later. many girls are beaten red and blue if her family knows about this unsocial behavior, many girls are being sexually harassed by their friends and even by family friends who knows about this, these girls are blackmailed by person who may help them out of the situation but in return want sexual favors from girls. overall, this before marriage sex is ruining girl's life. Boys don't have any effects of that. Boys are considered to be Junk and hunk in our society. Conclusion : Girls must not choose their life partner according to penis size. if they do, they should be ready for the consequences.
Get a couple of nice sex toys like a pussy and ass sex doll and some cock rings, a good quality cock pump, and cialis edge your cock alone and enjoy yourself. You’re too small and insecure to even worry. I’m above average and I can tell you that girls pass on me for much bigger cocks. I decided to give up on finding the perfect girl. The last 4 or 5 girls said their favorite was the huge black cock they hunted down privately by themselves. Even the sweetest innocent 22 year old roommate of mine said when she was 16 her first job her boss told her to ask a black basketball player if they had a big cock to fuck a white girl. She was trained from being a little girl. She ended up messaging a player from a high school and she told me that she was infatuated with his cock for years. She said any time he texted her and said let’s meet she would drop everything including every single of her boyfriends over the years. She even said she would offer to pay him to fuck her and cum inside her. She told me he would usually turn her down but once or twice a month here and there and a couple times a year he would text her “my cock is available” and she would travel to wherever he was.
Dude it might be that easy for You but it ain't for Me otherwise I wouldn't be a 43-year-old virgin whose also never had a date girlfriend 1st kiss or anything it seems like all My life Women ain't been that interested in Me plus I have a small penis and what I've been told No woman is looking for that